Eliminate the baggage and complication of the meaningful use systems!
eMedicalFusion® EHR combines a high level of functionality and features with a low learning curve. Get up to speed and ready to roll in an hour or less! Plus, it’s fully integrated with ecommerce functionality for pharmacy, doctor and patient.
The eMedicalFusion® EHR module includes:
- eMedicalFusion® Clinical Dashboard
- Entry point to the clinical system; each area dynamically links to the clinical detail
- Provides the complete picture of the patient in a single screen

Quick and organized Clinical/Soap Notes
- Use our templates or easily create your own!
- Prebuilt templates for Integrative Specialties
- Comprehensive ROS/PE template
- Learn to do your note electronically in less than 1 hour; other systems take weeks/months to learn
Update your clinical plans the easy way
For many docs, the plan is the essence of the clinical note. But in most EHRs, the plan is just another blob of text that gets mixed in the note. Not so with eMedicalFusion’s unique approach to building plans from a set of discrete plan components. Use components from our library or easily create your own.
- Each plan component can be continued, updated or discontinued independently.
- Each plan component can be associated with one or more diagnoses.
- Option to share plans with patients via the ePatient Portal if desired.
- Makes plan creation, updates and progress monitoring easy and comprehensive.
ePrescribe with eRX Connect
- No formularies to maintain for compounded meds! We manage this for you by partnering with compounding pharmacies.
- Eliminates sending scripts to the wrong pharmacy. Each formulary item is linked to a specific pharmacy, thus avoiding mistakes. An invaluable functionality for compounded medications!
- Complete standard medication prescribing included for more than 90,000 pharmacies.
- One-click generic and therapeutic alternatives for standard meds.
- Easy patient ordering and refill capability. Our ePatient Portal optimizes the workflow for you, your patients, and for pharmacies.
- Patients have one-click access to order prescriptions, request a refill or view their active prescriptions.
- Tracks remaining refills to provide better refill workflow.
Master Problem List
- Track and keep ahead of patient status and diagnoses with this efficient tool.
- Monitor changes in status (improving, worsening) over time.
- Option to monitor changes in diagnoses that you are co-treating with other physicians – or not treating at all.
- Historical view lets you see progress over time across each individual diagnosis.
Robust Bi-directional Lab Integration
- Certified by Quest and Labcorp for bidirectional integration, Other labs are being constantly added!
- Create lab orders easily and efficiently for in-office draw or send directly to Quest/Labcorp Service Centers.
- Current master test code files ensure you are ordering the intended tests from the database published by the labs.
- Results reporting uses color coded lines to flag abnormal values.
- Historical reports feature lets you easily compare results over time.
- Exclusive feature for Integrative Practitioners: Enter practice-specific reference ranges and view results and abnormal flags against your own reference ranges. (Eliminates having to explain to patients why they are in the “reference range” but not in the optimal range.)
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